Monday, May 07, 2007

the difference between cake and architecture

A cake cannot take more than 1 week to complete.

People rarely respect a cake, but fundamentally disagree with it.

If you make a fantastic cake, most people will eat it and enjoy it.

If you make a delicious cake of dubious beauty, people will remark on how tasty it is.

If you make a beautiful but slightly bland cake, people will tell you how good it looks.

Cake writing is usually brief and entertaining.

There are no cake consultants.

Non-bakers, when they see a cake, will frequently say "Ooo! Cake!"

Reading about it, you probably want some cake right now.


Anonymous said...

"de philosophie behind shprinkles cupcakes"



Jaja said...

It is so! Its a shame though that I d like to choose Archi but always wind up with the cake!

Now i dont know how i stumbled on this page.
Curious name indeed.. autoautism